All three phases of the fight are quite straightforward, with the only challenge being the homing carrots in the last one, which could swarm the unwary player if ignored. Widely considered the easiest Cuphead boss, this trio of vegetables, aptly encountered early in the game, practically serves itself on a platter, ready to be sauteed. The Root Pack poses little threat to the seasoned gamer. Let’s get right into it, starting from the easiest boss in the game and going all the way up to the hardest one. The ranking is, of course, based on our own maiden playthrough of the game, though we did take polls from across the web and chatter over social media into account whenever we felt torn as to the place of a boss in the list. We put together a boss difficulty ranking for Dark Souls III, and in what follows, we’re going to do the same for StudioMDHR’s Cuphead as well. Its difficulty also makes it an ideal candidate for a boss ranking list. The unforgiving nature of the boss rush game may have caused the rage-fueled demise of countless gamepads, but that’s what makes beating it so satisfying. The indie title looks like a 1930s cartoon and plays like an NES-era game.

Cuphead takes inspiration from vintage entertainment for both its art design and gameplay.